News » Community Update

Daniel Harabor, Miguel Ramirez

The ICAPS 2025 program committee is working on preparing the Call for Papers for the Conference which we expect to start disseminating very soon. In the meantime, we have prepared a community update to explain upcoming changes to the conference. These changes affect how papers will be submitted, how they will be reviewed, and how the program committee will be formed.

Our first update is a video presentation explaining the result of our conference co-design process with the ICAPS council. The co-design impacts the reviewing and submission protocols at ICAPS in 2025 and is recommended for all members of the ICAPS community. You can find the video on this link.

Our second update is about how to get involved with ICAPS 2025. Following a successful initiative in 2024, we will ask community members to volunteer for roles on the ICAPS 2025 program committee. Openings are available for Topic Chairs, Area Chairs, and Reviewers. A description of each of these roles can be found here. If you want to volunteer before we start our mailing campaign, please submit an expression of interest via the Google form on this link.

Our third update covers the introduction of a more structured classification system for submissions, which extends and evolves the system introduced at ICAPS 2024. These changes have several goals: (i) to clarify the scope and types of contributions relevant to the conference, (ii) to broaden participation in the conference, and (iii) to increase the likelihood that expert reviewers and area chairs are matched to appropriate submissions by OpenReview and our in-house automated assignment systems. You can find more information about our paper classification system in its dedicated section on the ICAPS 2025 website.