Desk Rejection

A submission is eligible to be considered for desk rejection in the following cases:

  1. Plagiarism - Somebody is impersonating the authors of a paper already published in another venue or the ArXiv.
  2. Misalignment - There is a clear mismatch between the content of the paper and the tags and keywords relevant to the conference and/or those chosen by the authors.
  3. Already Published Papers - The paper has been already formally published (e.g. appears on a publication with an ISBN, has a DOI and is hosted on repositories like IEEE eXplore or the ACM Digital Library). Papers in this category are potentially welcome to ICAPS, but need to go through their own submission procedure.
  4. Chatbot-generated Gibberish - We take this matter very seriously. If you find significant parts of the paper to be nonsense (e.g. the result of copying & pasting outputs of a chatbot, and similar) report this immediately. The paper may be a genuine submission, and may be progressed further down the reviewing process, but will be put under special scrutiny.
  5. Violating page limits and formatting requirements - We need you to report immediately papers that use styles other than the official conference one or go over the set page limits. Papers where the authors use different font sizes, and families, or margin settings and page size will be summarily rejected.

Area Chairs (ACs) are the members of the program committee that will be leading this process, actively looking out for papers that satisfy some of the criteria given above. Note as well that while we have an official “desk rejection” period, a submission getting past that deadline may be summarily rejected anyway after providing a meta-review co-ordinated with the conference organisers.